

2024-01-03 16:07:50


神经酸(nervonic acid,NA),即顺-15-二十四碳烯酸 (Cis-15-Tatracosanic Acid),是一种超长链单不饱和脂肪酸 。神经酸是大脑神经细胞和组织中的一种核心天然成分, 具有特殊的生物学功能, 对人体健康起到至关重要的作用。神经酸在预防和治疗脑病中的应用已有研究表明, 体内神经酸水平与许多脑神经失调疾病有关。1.用于多发性硬化症多发性硬化症 (multiple s

神经酸(nervonic acidNA),即顺-15-二十四碳烯酸 (Cis-15-Tatracosanic Acid),是一种超长链单不饱和脂肪酸 。神经酸是大脑神经细胞和组织中的一种核心天然成分, 具有特殊的生物学功能, 对人体健康起到至关重要的作用。


已有研究表明, 体内神经酸水平与许多脑神经失调疾病有关。


多发性硬化症 (multiple selerosis, MS) 是一种发生于中枢神经系统的脱髓鞘疾病,病变位于脑部或脊髓,是因鞘磷脂被破坏而导致神经纤维髓鞘成块状脱失,造成神经信号传输异常,主要症状表现为视力模糊、站立不稳、语言障碍、烦躁、失眠等。外源性神经酸的摄入可促进体内鞘糖酯如脑苷酯、神经节苷酯等和鞘磷脂的合成,从而促进神经纤维髓鞘化,使脱落的髓鞘再生 , 改善 MS 症状,有助于 受损神经纤维的恢复。



3.Zellweger 综合征

Zellweger 综合征齐薇格综合征,是一种由于过氧化物酶缺失而引发的疾病,与长链脂肪酸新陈代谢失调有关,可导致严重的精神发育迟缓、癫痫、视网膜疾病、肝脏疾病和早亡。研究表明[2],服用2神经酸后,患儿神经系统发育迟缓、肝功能紊乱和胆汁郁积等症状均有所缓解


阿尔茨海默病(Alzhemier's disease, AD; 又称老年痴呆症 ) 是一种最常见的神经退行性疾病。实验研究表明,人脑中的蛋白被氧化、糖苷化或脂被氧化修饰后都会诱发 AD。研究表明[3]NA可减轻认知障碍(AD)引起的器官萎缩和焦虑,提高d-半乳糖/ALCl3诱导的小鼠的认知和学习能力。同时,NA可增强体内抗氧化能力,降低促炎因子水平,维持细胞的正常形态。






[1] R M T ,Julianne T ,A S S , et al. Nervonic Acid Attenuates Accumulation of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acids and is a Potential Therapy for Adrenoleukodystrophy. [J].Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics,2022, 19(3): 1007-1017.    

[2] Tanaka K ,Shimizu T ,Ohtsuka Y , et al.Early dietary treatments with Lorenzo’s oil and docosahexaenoic acid for neurological development in a case with Zellweger syndrome [J].Brain and Development,2007, 29(9):586-589.          

[3] Aihaiti M ,Shi H ,Liu Y , et al.Nervonic acid reduces the cognitive and neurological disturbances induced by combined doses of D‐galactose/AlCl3 in mice [J]. Food Science & Nutrition, 2023, 11 (10): 5989-5998.  


Unveiling Brain Neurological Benefits


In the pursuit of optimal brain health, the exploration of compounds with potential cognitive benefits is an ongoing endeavor. Nervonic acids, also known as C24:1 fatty acids, have garnered attention for their potential positive impact on brain health. This article delves into the promising neurological benefits of nervonic acids, supported by scientific research from reputable sources.


Evidence of Neurological Benefits

1. Myelin Synthesis Support

Research suggests that nervonic acid plays a crucial role in myelin synthesis, the protective sheath around nerve fibers. A study published in the Journal of Lipid Research (1) found that nervonic acid supplementation in rats significantly increased the levels of myelin and improved neural conduction. This indicates the potential of nervonic acid in maintaining and repairing the myelin sheath, facilitating efficient signal transmission within the brain.


2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Chronic inflammation in the brain contributes to cognitive decline and neurological disorders. Nervonic acid has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects, as highlighted in a study published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation (2). The study found that nervonic acid reduced the production of pro-inflammatory molecules, mitigating brain inflammation. By modulating neuroinflammatory processes, nervonic acid may help protect against age-related cognitive decline.


3. Neuronal Health Enhancement

The growth and maintenance of healthy neurons are crucial for optimal brain function. Nervonic acid has been shown to promote neuronal health by facilitating robust neuronal connections. A study published in Neuroscience Letters (3) demonstrated that nervonic acid increased dendritic spine density, enhancing neural connectivity. This suggests that nervonic acid supplementation could positively impact cognitive abilities such as memory, learning, and problem-solving.


4. Antioxidant Activity

Oxidative stress, caused by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, contributes to neuronal damage and neurodegenerative diseases. Nervonic acid exhibits antioxidant properties, as highlighted in a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (4). The study demonstrated that nervonic acid reduced oxidative stress and protected brain cells against damage caused by free radicals. This indicates its potential role in preventing neurodegenerative diseases associated with oxidative damage.


Incorporating Nervonic Acids into the Diet


Nervonic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid, is naturally present in various oils and fats. While its presence in the brain is relatively low, dietary intake offers the means to enhance its levels.To harness the potential brain health benefits of nervonic acid, it is advisable to include foods rich in this fatty acid in one's diet. Excellent dietary sources include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, as well as nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils such as avocado oil and olive oil. Alternatively, omega-9 fatty acid supplements derived from natural sources can be considered to ensure an adequate intake.


Scientific research supports the potential neurological benefits of nervonic acids in promoting brain health. From supporting myelin synthesis and reducing inflammation to enhancing neuronal health and exhibiting antioxidant activity, nervonic acid shows promise in maintaining cognitive well-being and potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. By incorporating nervonic acid-rich foods or supplements into one's diet, individuals can take proactive steps toward nurturing a healthy brain. Remember, a healthy brain is crucial for a fulfilling and vibrant life.



1. Jurevics, H. et al. (2007). Nervonic acid therapy for Rett syndrome. Journal of Lipid Research, 48(4), 815-820.

2. Song, Cet al. (2014). Nervonic Acid Reduces Inflammatory Responses and Promotes Myelin Formation in Human Microglia. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 11, 1-15.

3. Zhang, N. et al. (2017). Nervonic Acid Promotes Neuronal Maturation and Synaptic Integrity in Primary Cultured Neurons. Neuroscience Letters, 653, 297-303.

4. Seo, J. et al. (2015). Nervonic Acid Reduces Oxidative Stress and Enhances Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression in Glial Cells. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 26(1), 9-16.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or supplementation routine.

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